Stand For The Silent

I love Ellen DeGeneres, I watch her show all the time. I love how she helps families and people who are in real need of it. One day while watching The Ellen Show a family were on talking about how their son ended his own life due to bullying Watch the Entire 'Bully' Chat Here. It literally broke my heart and through watching this I then went and watched the movie that the family are featured in called Bully, here is the Bully Trailer Official 2012.

It is such a sad film but very inspirational at the same time. Stand for The Silent is an organisation which helps to prevent teens and children from committing suicide due to being bullied. Luckily I was not badly bullied as a kid, maybe the odd tease here and there but nothing as serious as what some children have to go through everyday. But that doesn't mean that I don't support the movement. Here is a link to the website Stand For The Silent please give it a visit and donate if you can. 
Stand For The Silent Facebook page

If you have been or are being bullied then this is a chance for you to meet other people in the same situation as you, just remember you DO have a choice and you are NOT alone. You should be proud and happy with who you are, just because you don't fit a certain stereotype does not mean that you are not special. If everyone was the same then the world would be pretty boring, the world needs people who are different and who stand out. Being different doesn't mean you are weird or strange, it just means you are unique. There is really no need AT ALL for a young person to think that suicide is the only escape or way out. Confide in others, even if it is just someone on the other end of the computer that is going through the same thing, tell someone your problems and worries and it might surprise you how helpful a stranger can be. Love yourself, be strong and remember that every life is worth living.

Being a bully doesn't only mean that you beat someone up or push someone around, it can mean very different things. Yes in some situations it can be physical, but it can also be emotional and psychological. For example; saying something nasty about someone or making fun of someone, these acts are still considered as bullying. Please think about your words and your actions, you never know what people are going through in their home life or what's going on in their head. YOU could end up being the straw that broke the camels back so to speak, the final push. If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all. Just because someone looks or acts differently to you does not give you any right to put them down. And who are you to say what is or isn't "normal"? We shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, it's what is on the inside that counts. We shouldn't discriminate against people because of their religion, sexuality, skin colour, body image etc. We are all human, we all live in this world and we all have enough of our own personal problems to deal with without having to worry about what other people think of us. Please just consider what you say or how you act towards people. Take a look at this video, this is just one of many examples of how a small gesture like this can genuinely change someone's life Football Players Protect Special Needs Girl From Bullies.
So please just be kind to one and another, help each other out and show everyone respect. Treat others how you would want to be treated. YOU ARE SOMEBODY.

Here is some inspiration from my favourite girl Taylor Swift - Mean

Later skaters
Love S xoxo


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