Caitriona's Birthday

It was Caitriona's birthday so some of us went out for dinner and then back to her house for drinks and then on to a nightclub called McCrackens. I hadn't been out with the girls in such a long time and I honestly really really missed them. So it was great being out with them and catching up. I had such an amazing night and forgot how much I loved and appreciated them so note to self; hoes before bros, chicks before dicks, sistas before mistas etc etc, you get the point!
I always have such a fun time with my princesses and Cait's birthday certainly lived up to our standard night out. We are always so silly and just don't have a care in the world when we are together.
I will be making a MUCH bigger effort from now on, so i'm sure i'll be doing a lot more posts on these little hallions.
Later skaters
Love S xoxo
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