Dos & Don'ts - Post Break-Up Rules
DO try and go out, enjoy yourself with your friends. It really does help as it takes your mind off things and you will have fun. Surround yourself with good friends and people who hold you up, not bring you down.
DON'T sit in your room alone, in the dark listening to Adele & Taylor Swift on repeat eating your feelings. It is acceptable to be sad for a while but don't become a total hermit. If your friends are making the effort to invite you out and get you out of the house then try and join in. Allow yourself to be sad and upset for about a week and then tell yourself to catch a grip and join the outside world again.
DO talk to someone if you feel like you need a chat about how you are feeling. There is no point bottling everything up, that is just never good. Your friends are like your agony aunts, they always have the best advise and they always make you feel so much better about yourself.
DON'T boast about your break-up on your social media sites, e.g #happytobesingle #readytomingle #betteroffaloneanyway it is just bad taste. Try not to be bitter about it, taking it in good humour is ok but just don't sound like you are being sour and bitchy.
DON'T bad mouth you ex, there is no point in being negative about them, it just makes you look bad, you don't want to come across as immature and childish. Esp not to their family or friends, it will just get back to them and they will think it is totally pathetic.
DON'T bad mouth you ex, there is no point in being negative about them, it just makes you look bad, you don't want to come across as immature and childish. Esp not to their family or friends, it will just get back to them and they will think it is totally pathetic.
DON'T try to make them jealous or try to get revenge. This is just silly, it will always backfire and again this will just look bad on you.
DO what it takes to work on your self esteem. Try exercising and eating healthy, we all feel like we let ourselves go a bit when we get into a relationship. But do it for yourself, not to show off to your ex. "Showing them what they are missing" isn't a justified reason to try and better yourself, DO IT FOR YOU!!!
DON'T stalk them. Don't keep tabs on what they are doing, who they are with or what time they are coming home at on a Saturday night. It's not really any of your business now and why would you want to know that sort of info anyway? It's not healthy.
DO unfollow them on Facebook etc if you find yourself constantly checking their page. Unfriend them even if you do want to remain civl. You will just drive yourself mad wondering who that girl is that he has became friends with or is in one of his Instagram photos.
DON'T contact them in anyway when you are drunk. This means no texts, phone calls or emails. No liking their status or pictures. Actually no contact at all, sober or under the influence. If you are not going to stay friends then it is better to just cut all ties completely.
DO try and appreciate that everything happens for a reason. You might be feeling pretty low right now but think about what went wrong in the relationship. Once you have answers then use them in a positive way, try and stay strong. Recognise what might have caused the breakup and learn from it.
DON'T rush into another relationship. You probably won't be ready and it's not nice to make anyone a rebound, you wouldn't want to be one so don't try and get over someone by getting under someone else if you know what I mean.
If you are totally over your ex and are ready to move on then by all means so ahead, but if you are still holding a grudge or have feelings for them then it's probably not the best idea to move on so quickly because you aren't 100% over your ex yet.
DO avoid your ex at all costs. If you have the same group of friends then I understand that this may difficult but seeing them constantly in a social or work environment is just never good. It doesn't really give you time to move on and get space from them. Keep yourself at a distance if you can.
DON'T blame yourself too much, esp if you feel like you done everything you could have done within the relationship. Don't spend too long thinking about what you could have done differently, sometimes it's not about you at all. Try to not think about the past, focus on the future.
DO the awkward swap of things as soon as you can. Just get your stuff back, give them theirs and let that be that. There is no point in holding onto an old pair of their socks. Doing this should be like ripping off a plaster; quick and yes it will hurt for a minute but then you'll be fine. This prevents having future contact with them.
DON'T do anything intimate with an ex unless they are asking for you back and it is what you want. If you do, you are pretty much allowing them to have their cake and being able to eat it too. It's not fair to you at all as you might be hoping that they will want to get back together when in reality they just want to pretty much use you. Have more respect for yourself and realise that someone will treat you right, just hold out for that person.
If you guys have any great tips and advise on what to do after break-ups then comment them below.
Later skaters
Love S xoxo
DON'T contact them in anyway when you are drunk. This means no texts, phone calls or emails. No liking their status or pictures. Actually no contact at all, sober or under the influence. If you are not going to stay friends then it is better to just cut all ties completely.
DO try and appreciate that everything happens for a reason. You might be feeling pretty low right now but think about what went wrong in the relationship. Once you have answers then use them in a positive way, try and stay strong. Recognise what might have caused the breakup and learn from it.
DON'T rush into another relationship. You probably won't be ready and it's not nice to make anyone a rebound, you wouldn't want to be one so don't try and get over someone by getting under someone else if you know what I mean.
If you are totally over your ex and are ready to move on then by all means so ahead, but if you are still holding a grudge or have feelings for them then it's probably not the best idea to move on so quickly because you aren't 100% over your ex yet.
DO avoid your ex at all costs. If you have the same group of friends then I understand that this may difficult but seeing them constantly in a social or work environment is just never good. It doesn't really give you time to move on and get space from them. Keep yourself at a distance if you can.
DON'T blame yourself too much, esp if you feel like you done everything you could have done within the relationship. Don't spend too long thinking about what you could have done differently, sometimes it's not about you at all. Try to not think about the past, focus on the future.
DO the awkward swap of things as soon as you can. Just get your stuff back, give them theirs and let that be that. There is no point in holding onto an old pair of their socks. Doing this should be like ripping off a plaster; quick and yes it will hurt for a minute but then you'll be fine. This prevents having future contact with them.
DON'T do anything intimate with an ex unless they are asking for you back and it is what you want. If you do, you are pretty much allowing them to have their cake and being able to eat it too. It's not fair to you at all as you might be hoping that they will want to get back together when in reality they just want to pretty much use you. Have more respect for yourself and realise that someone will treat you right, just hold out for that person.
If you guys have any great tips and advise on what to do after break-ups then comment them below.
Later skaters
Love S xoxo
Such a great post x
Thanks Kirsty :) if you have any tips of your own then let me know!
DeleteLove S xoxo
My most important breakup advice (which I also followed before I got married, so it works!) is: It's okay to feel sad, but accept the reality of the breakup, get a grip of yourself, and move on. Don't focus on trying to get the other person back; they'll come back if they want to. Lastly: the world is full of men/women for you to pick from! ;-)
That is such great advise :) I try to follow by those rules too, it is hard but it's the best thing for you in the end! Thanks for commenting :)
DeleteLove S xoxo
Great post! Definitely true. And agree with Chic Alluring's advice above as well. Life is too short to harp on one person.
Yeah Anna, life is too short. Moving on is always the best thing for a break-up, I don't really believe in taking someone back because there is obviously a reason you broke up in the first place and chances are it will still remain if you try again.
DeleteLove S xoxo